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Mama Lishe Festival-Kisarawe

Updated: Jun 26, 2020

On February 28th, TANGSEN was invited by Kisarawe DC to participate in women food vendors’ day or Mamalishe Festival. participation of TANGSEN revolved around awareness raising on the use of clean cooking technologies. TANGSEN and its partners showcased these technologies some of them include efficient cook stoves, baking ovens, solar drying technologies, new biogas technologies and solar products for lighting. TANGSEN partners attended included, ENVOTECH, TaTEDO, Solar Sisters and Ichi Energies.

Likewise, to increase uptake of green energy among the public, some financial institutions including local banks (NMB, CRDB etc.) participated. TANGSEN used this opportunity to create awareness among the FIs on the importance of providing credit to support use of energy for productive purposes (PUE). Some food vendors’ groups which were supported by TANGSEN were able to be linked with FIs institutions, they were able to understand different credit opportunities and how they can access loans. Likewise, TANGSEN also targeted policymakers for this awareness and during the event, TANGSEN booth (together with its accompanying stakeholders) were visited by Deputy Minister of Energy, Kisarawe District Commissioner and Members of Parliament.

The event was successful in a sense that, awareness was able to reach the attendees and TANGSEN obtained valuable feedback including requests to support some of the women groups to develop businesses in Productive Uses of Energy (PUE).

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